Friday, September 28, 2007

Actividades de Pré-escola

Actividades de Pré-escola, Planos de Lições para Pré-escola, Educação Pré-escolar

How cool is this? I've been wanting to teach the kids a bit more Portuguese...

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Full Moons

Names of Full Moons

Don't miss the Harvest Moon tonight!

Prayer for Catechists

(thought it appropriate for homeschooling moms too)

Holy Spirit,
Spirit of the risen Christ,
give me, please, a huge dose of joy
and a healthy supply of enthusiasm
that I might focus on the good things
that happen to me as your catechist.
Help me to see the light of Christ
shining in the eyes of those I teach,
a light that is surely there
when I look hard enough to see it.
Light a fire in my heart
that burns so fiercely with love for you
that it quickly spreads to the hearts
of the children I teach.
May I be faithful to my call
to proclaim your Holy Word
in every class, in every lesson,
no matter how challenging this might be.
Walk with me, loving Spirit,
in this month of October and always.

Monday, September 17, 2007

St. Therese

Asking St. Therese to help us on our homeschooling journey. We were watching the movie 'Therese' and noticed that she had been homeschooled by her sister for a little while there...that makes her a good intercessor for us in my book.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Catholic Heritage Curricula

Catholic Heritage Curricula

Some change in plans...but hey, that's why we homeschool...we can do that. I found that after the second day Sarah was less then enthusiastic about doing her Math. I had to re-evaluate things and even though I'm confident that she could do the work in Alpha (MUS), it might be better to hold off on it a little bit and have her practice writing her numbers a little bit more ('Alpha' is mostly used for first graders and 'primer' for Kindergarten...but since she already knew all the stuff covered in Primer that we could just go ahead and skip it). So anyway...back to the drawing board...since we were already partially using Catholic Heritage Curricul(I had the Pre k/ Kindergarten manual and was using it for Christian). I just decided to go ahead and order the rest of the material and do Kindergarten using it as well...ofcourse we are still doing FIAR too since we LOVE that. I got the books yesterday and oh boy...I'm so excited! I just love how religion is just woven in through all the different subjects...yipppeee! I think Sarah will like this much better too.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

deep subjects

The Little Chapel that Stood

We are reading 'Grandfahter's Journey' this week and boy was it ever appropriate. Sunday was grandfather's day, Monday was my dad's birthday and ofcourse yesterday was 'September 11th'. The book touches on the war (WWII) just enough to be a great lead in. So we talked a little bit about NYC and the Twin Towers and the war in Iraq and so forth. She now wants to go see Ground Zero and we'll probably do that, one day soon. Today at the FIAR boards someone posted the above link...what an awesome little book that is. I read it to Sarah, but I kept choking on the words...

Monday, September 10, 2007

Winnie the Pooh

The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (1977) - Memorable quotes:

"Winnie the Pooh: Well, isn't that the Rabbit's voice?

Rabbit: [talking into a honey jar] I don't think so. It isn't meant to be"

This for some reason has become my kids favorite quote...only with Christian it comes out something like. "I don't think so....blah, blah, blah, it's not Anthony."...LOL. - Activities and Games for Girls Online!

We are having fun here today with Barbies of the World. Sarah has two of the princesses...Princess of Japan and Princess of the Portuguese Empire. In the back of each box it gives you a quick history lesson...very cool.

We are reading 'Grandfather's Journey' for FIAR this week, so it fits right in. Also today is their grandfather's birthday, so we are discussing him and his journey to the new land.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Week of 9/2 - 9/8

9/2: Christian's fourth birthday celebration with the family
9/3: Labor Day...we officially began school
9/5: Mother Teresa's Feast Day (10th anniversary)
9/8: Mary's Birthday

*We did FIAR (Five in a Rowe) Lentil and did lessons.

*Math U See...Alpha. (we covered place value)

*Some crafts from 'Little Saints'.

*Scrapbooked our week

*Attended First Friday Mass with our homeschooling group, CHIME.

New school year...

Christian and Sarah with their cousin Timmy

Toothless grin

Wow, it's been busy around here lately...lots happening and with very little time for blogging (which in my opinion is a good thing).

The transition into the new school year went fairly smoothly. We had some guests in August...Cousins Timmy, Lilly, Tia Helia and...the tooth fairy. We had a loose tooth and mommy and daddy had to figure out how we felt about the entire tooth fairy thing (we don't do santa nor the easter least not in the way that everyone seems to do it) we prayed about it and decided to do it our own way. When Sarah asked if the tooth fairy would show up, I just told her that since it was such a fun thing to do that we could certainly do it if she liked...maybe mommy could play tooth fairy this time and next time daddy would, if that sounded ok...and she was so excited! So when her tooth finally came out (with a little help from daddy), she left it under her pillow in a little bag at night and 'the tooth fairy' left some money in its place the next morning. Then in true Sarah fashion she wanted the tooth back...and because she was in on the whole fun game, she was able to get it.

Doing math on her first day of Kindergarten

Baking a cake for Christian

Cinderella getting ready for the Ball

Thomas escorting Cinderella to the Ball