Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Prayer for Catechists

(thought it appropriate for homeschooling moms too)

Holy Spirit,
Spirit of the risen Christ,
give me, please, a huge dose of joy
and a healthy supply of enthusiasm
that I might focus on the good things
that happen to me as your catechist.
Help me to see the light of Christ
shining in the eyes of those I teach,
a light that is surely there
when I look hard enough to see it.
Light a fire in my heart
that burns so fiercely with love for you
that it quickly spreads to the hearts
of the children I teach.
May I be faithful to my call
to proclaim your Holy Word
in every class, in every lesson,
no matter how challenging this might be.
Walk with me, loving Spirit,
in this month of October and always.